Man charged with trying to defraud a beer distributor

 Astoria, Oregon - In a bizarre turn of events, a man named Richard Tickle claimed to have found a live mouse in his bottle of Coors Light beer. However, upon further investigation, the Astoria Oregon Police Department discovered that Tickle had actually raised a baby mouse inside the bottle in an attempt to defraud the Coors Light company.

Tickle's alleged discovery of the live mouse in his beer bottle had initially made headlines and caused widespread concern among Coors Light drinkers. However, police officials began to investigate the matter and quickly found inconsistencies in Tickle's story.

Upon questioning, Tickle eventually admitted that he had inserted a baby mouse into the beer bottle before sealing it back up and reporting the alleged find. He had apparently hoped to cash in on a lucrative settlement from the beer company.

"This was a particularly egregious case of fraud," said Astoria Police Chief David Press. "We take all allegations of product tampering seriously, and we will not tolerate attempts to deceive consumers or companies."

Coors Light representatives expressed relief that the incident had turned out to be a hoax, but also noted that such incidents can have serious consequences for companies and consumers alike.

"We are grateful to the Astoria Police Department for their quick work in resolving this matter," said a spokesperson for the company. "We take the safety and integrity of our products very seriously, and we will continue to work to ensure that our customers can enjoy our beer with confidence."

Tickle has been charged with multiple counts of fraud and could face serious legal consequences for his actions. The incident has served as a reminder of the importance of product safety and the need for vigilance in preventing fraud and deception in the marketplace.


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