Betsy Wetsy is Back and Better than Ever!


Betsy Wetsy cir. 1957

    In 1934 the Ideal Toy Company of New York introduced the “Betsy Wetsy” doll.  And in honor of the doll’s 87th birthday, the Hasbro Toys who now holds the license is introducing an updated “Grandma Betsy Wetsy” doll.  According to Frank Shermocker Hasbro’s Chief Marketing Manager “This is an exciting time in the doll market.  Children still love their dolls and their parents love sharing with them.”  The Grandma Betsy Wetsy will work in much the same way as the original doll, in a new design.  Now young children can practice changing the diapers of their grandparents in a practice of their future. 

The new redesigned doll will feature an older woman type look.  Betsy will
offer the same great potty training fun you experienced in your childhood.  "Relive you childhood and teach your kids to change diapers", is the dolls tag line.  One wonders what Hasbro was thinking, in this doomed to fail product release.  This hideous looking doll is likely to scare your children into ever wanting to play with you.  If you buy this doll for your child, they will never visit in the old folks home.  


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